Email:[email protected] ORCID://orcid.org/0000-0002-4117-9698
2021.11 - 至今 东华大学 永利娱乐场 特聘研究员,博士生导师
2019.05 - 2021.06 新加坡南洋理工大学 Delta-NTU网络物理系统联合实验室 博士后研究员(Research Fellow) PI: Prof. Chen Chun-Hsien
2013.09 - 2018.12 上海交通大学 机械工程(工业工程) 博士 导师:蒋祖华教授
2009.09 - 2013.06 华中科技大学 机械设计制造及其自动化 学士
SCI检索期刊Journal of Engineering Design特刊Advances in Knowledge Graph for Engineering Design,客座编辑
SCI检索期刊Advanced Engineering Informatics特刊Industrial Knowledge Graph-enabled Cognitive Intelligence-Driven Mass Personalization,执行客座编辑(Managing Guest Editor)
SCI检索期刊Sustainability特刊Data-Driven Development for Sustainable Smart Product-Service Systems,执行客座编辑(Managing Guest Editor)
SCI检索期刊Applied Sciences特刊Recent Advances in Smart Design and Manufacturing,客座编辑(Guest Editor)
国际期刊Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology评审编辑(Review Editor)
国际会议ASME IDETC-CIE 2021、IEEE CASE 2021/2022、NSFC-RGC 2023分会场主席
JMS, RCIM, AEI, JCLP, IJPR,《计算机集成制造系统》等多本智能制造和工业工程领域知名刊物评审专家
2022.04 - 2025.03,面向智能产品服务系统的知识图谱平台构建及应用, 上海市“科技创新行动计划”启明星项目(扬帆专项),22YF1400200,主持,项目经费20万元
2022.09 - 2023.09,基于工业物联网平台的装备智能运维技术创新创业能力培养,教育部产学合作协同育人项目,220900895191746,主持,项目经费5万元
2019.05 - 2021.06,Stakeholder-Oriented Innovative User-Centric Design and Solution Generation 新加坡国家研究基金项目(RCA-16/434; SCO-RP1),作为项目骨干参与,项目经费折合人民币400万元。
2017.01 - 2019.03,大规模协同环境下工程经验知识演化机制和知识积累方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目(71671113),作为项目骨干参与,项目经费49.3万元。
2013.09 - 2016.12,基于工程语义的经验类隐性知识演化机制和重用方法,国家自然科学基金面上项目(71271133),作为项目骨干参与,项目经费54万元。
2015.06 - 2016.12,基于视频监控和大数据分析的城市级隐性知识管理,上海市经信委产学研合作项目(CXY-2015-006),作为项目骨干参与,项目经费30万元。
2015.07 - 2017.06,甲板区域部套件冲击试验台,中船重工第704研究所委托项目,作为项目骨干参与,项目经费350万元。
2014.11 - 2015.01,基于模型库和知识库的大型极地船舶舾装智能化设计与应用 - 基于有限元分析的舾装热变形分析子课题,上海市科委科技创新行动计划项目,作为项目骨干参与 ,子项经费25万元。
Li, X., Zheng, P.*, Bao, J., Gao, L., & Xu, X. (2023). Achieving cognitive mass personalization via the self-X cognitive manufacturing network: An industrial-knowledge-graph and graph-embedding- enabled pathway. Engineering. 22, 14-19
Li, X.*, Zhang, F., Li Q., Zhou, B., & Bao, J. (2023). Exploiting a knowledge hypergraph for modeling multi-nary relations in fault diagnosis reports. Advanced Engineering Informatics
Li, X.*, Lyu, M., Wang, Z., Chen, C.-H., & Zheng, P. (2021). Exploiting knowledge graphs in industrial products and services: A survey of key aspects, challenges, and future perspectives. Computers in Industry, 129, 103449.
Li, X.*, Chen, C.-H., Zheng, P., Jiang, Z., & Wang, L. (2021). A context-aware diversity-oriented knowledge recommendation approach for smart engineering solution design. Knowledge-Based Systems, 215, 106739.
Li, X.*, Wang, Z., Chen, C.-H., & Zheng, P.* (2021). A data-driven reversible framework for achieving Sustainable Smart product-service systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 279, 123618.
Li, X.*, Chen, C.-H., Zheng, P., Wang, Z., Jiang, Z., & Jiang, Z. (2020). A knowledge graph-aided concept–knowledge approach for evolutionary smart product–service system development. Journal of Mechanical Design, 142(10), 101403.
Li, X., Jiang, Z.*, Guan, Y., Li, G., & Wang, F. (2019). Fostering the transfer of empirical engineering knowledge under technological paradigm shift: An experimental study in conceptual design. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 41, 100927.
Li, X., Jiang, Z.*, Liu, L., & Song, B. (2018). A novel approach for analysing evolutional motivation of empirical engineering knowledge. International Journal of Production Research, 56(8), 2897-2923.
Li, X., Jiang, Z.*, Song, B., & Liu, L. (2017). Long-term knowledge evolution modeling for empirical engineering knowledge. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 34, 17-35.
Lv, J., Li, X.*, Sun, Y., Zheng, Y., & Bao, J.* (2023). A bio-inspired LIDA cognitive-based Digital Twin architecture for unmanned maintenance of machine tools. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 80, 102489.
Shen, X., Li, X.*, Zhou, B., Jiang, Y., & Bao, J.* (2023). Dynamic knowledge modeling and fusion method for custom apparel production process based on knowledge graph. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 55, 101880.
Zhou, B., Li, J., Li, X.*, Hua, B., & Bao, J.* (2022). Leveraging on causal knowledge for enhancing the root cause analysis of equipment spot inspection failures. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 54, 101799.
Yiu, C. Y., Ng, K. K.*, Li, X.*, Zhang, X., Li, Q., Lam, H. S., & Chong, M. H. (2022). Towards safe and collaborative aerodrome operations: Assessing shared situational awareness for adverse weather detection with EEG-enabled Bayesian neural networks. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 53, 101698.
Liu, M., Li, X.*, Li, J., Liu, Y., Zhou, B., & Bao, J.* (2022). A knowledge graph-based data representation approach for IIoT-enabled cognitive manufacturing. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 51, 101515.
Lyu, M., Li, X.*, & Chen, C.-H. (2022). Achieving Knowledge-as-a-Service in IIoT-driven smart manufacturing: A crowdsourcing-based continuous enrichment method for Industrial Knowledge Graph. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 51, 101494.
Wang, Z., Chen, C. H., Zheng, P.*, Li, X.*, & Song, W. (2022). A hypergraph-based approach for context-aware smart product-service system configuration. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 163, 107816.
Wang, Z., Chen, C.-H., Li, X.*, Zheng, P., & Khoo, L. P. (2021). A context-aware concept evaluation approach based on user experiences for smart product-service systems design iteration. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 50, 101394.
Jiang, Z., Chen, Y.*, Li, X.*, & Li, B. (2021). A heuristic optimization approach for multi-vehicle and one-cargo green transportation scheduling in shipbuilding. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 49, 101306.
Wang, F., Jiang, Z.*, Li, X.*, & Li, G. (2021). Cognitive factors of the transfer of empirical engineering knowledge: A behavioral and fNIRS study. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 47, 101207.
Zheng, P.*, Xia, L., Li, C., Li, X.*, & Liu, B. (2021). Towards Self-X cognitive manufacturing network: An industrial knowledge graph-based multi-agent reinforcement learning approach. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 61, 16-26.
Zheng, P., Li, X.*, Peng, T., Wang, Y., & Zhang, G. (2020). Industrial smart product-service system development for lifecycle sustainability concerns. IET Collaborative Intelligent Manufacturing, 2(4), 197-201.
李心雨, 蒋祖华*, 管业勤, 李赓. (2020). 技术范式转换下工程经验知识迁移的眼动追踪实验研究. 管理工程学报, 34(1), 34-45.
李心雨, 蒋祖华*, 单春艳, 刘超, 何楚楚. (2017). 面向城市应急事件管理的监控视频智能解析. 计算机工程与应用, 53(24), 154-160.
李心雨, 蒋祖华*, 宋博, 王海丽, 孙小明. (2016). 面向中文工程论坛问答的知识应用情境获取及应用. 计算机集成制造系统, 22(5), 1187-1196.
胡志强, 刘鸣飞, 李琦, 李心雨*, 鲍劲松. (2023). 基于多源异构数据的风机多模态装配工艺知识图谱建模. 上海交通大学学报.
张飞, 周彬, 鲍劲松, 李心雨*. (2023). 基于超图嵌入的行车故障多元关系知识表示方法. 计算机集成制造系统.
软件著作权. 联影医疗基于Neo4j的设备故障运维知识图谱平台. 登记号: 2022SR1533366. 授权日期: 2022.11.17
软件著作权. 联影医疗设备数字孪生监控系统. 登记号: 2022SR1531442. 授权日期: 2022.11.17
软件著作权. 联影医疗设备制造日志流程挖掘软件. 登记号: 2022SR1531394. 授权日期: 2022.11.17
软件著作权 城市视频监控语义解析和建模系统. 登记号2017SR006865,授权日期2017.01.09
软件著作权 城市舆情热点事件发现和预警系统. 登记号2017SR006781,授权日期2017.01.09
实用新型专利 料场膜封闭综合防尘系统. 专利号CN205000686U,公告日2016.01.27
2022.12 入选上海市白玉兰海外计划
2022.04 入选上海市2022年度“科技创新行动计划”启明星项目(扬帆专项)
2021年度,Advanced Engineering Informatics优秀审稿人
2019.08中国人类工效学学会 2014-2019优秀科研论文 (排名第一,全国共18篇)
2017.12上海交通大学 赵朱木兰博士生奖学金
2013.12 湖北省优秀学士学位论文(指导教师:丁汉院士)