
学术讲座:Engineering Fluid Dynamics: Crossing Scales and Bridging Disciplines


报告题目:Engineering Fluid Dynamics: Crossing Scales and Bridging Disciplines






C.H.Venner教授,荷兰特文特大学博士,以色列魏茨曼学院博士后。目前任荷兰特文特大学一级教授,工学技术学院热流体动力工程系主任,工程流体动力学研究组组长,SKF工程研发中心高级咨询专家,是世界顶级的薄层流动和弹性流体动力润滑专家,多尺度/多水平/多网格数值算法的开发专家。ASME J. of Tribology 副主编(1998-2006两届),Journal of Engineering Tribology副主编(2002-至今);国际轴承会议-轴承世界(德国汉诺威)科学委员会成员。在Tribology InternationalWearJournal of Fluid MechanicsAerospace Science and TechnologyTribology lettersCurrent and Applied Physics等期刊任编委。研究方向包含:薄膜润滑(滚动轴承、齿轮等的润滑)、计算流体动力学、多重网格算法、复合材料和非均质材料的结构力学、固-流界面设计、空气动力学、空气声学、拓扑优化等。截至202310月,Researchgate H-指数40,被引用次数4721Google Scholar H-指数41,被引用次数6122。发表学术论文200余篇,出版专著《Multilevel Methods in Lubrication》。20038月获瑞典SKF公司Jacob Wallenbergs 基金奖.


Scientists and Engineers face the challenge to develop novel technologies optimally exploiting sustainably generated energy to answer the urgent need for sustainable development. At the same time existing technology, concepts, and designs need to be pushed to their limits in terms of energy efficiency, minimal use of resources (material) and minimum impact on the environment (emissions, noise). As a result of these developments design and development require an integrated view on both the large scale functionality such as aerodynamics and blade or wing design for wind turbines and aircraft, as well controlling the small scale noise sources in the flow. Similarly, aerodynamic power optimization can not be separated from reliability determined by the small lubricant films in bearings. Current aircraft design consists mainly of small step evolution. To face the challenges of the future truly disruptive new designs are needed where propulsion is often distributed and more integrated in the aircraft structure. As a results physics, mechanics, fluid/aerodynamics aspects of design, which could be often studied separately, need to be studied in much closer collaboration between scientists and engineers of different disciplines. The Engineering Fluid Dynamics group at the University of Twente, is built on this vision and has developed into a strong interdisciplinary group with a rich high level research portfolio. In this lecture an overview is given of achievements in different fields such as aerodynamics/aeroacoustics, fluid mechanics of function materials, thin layer flows and lubrication, are presented, each contributing steps towards a more sustainable future.