







1.     低碳智能制造关键技术和方法(碳排放管理与决策、能源协同调度优化等)

2.     智能回收和拆解技术与装备(人机协作、具身智能等)



Ÿ   上海市图学学会智能制造专委会副主任

Ÿ   巴塞尔公约亚太区域中心智库专家

Ÿ   再生资源产业技术创新战略联盟青年专家委员

Ÿ   中国机械工程学会高级会员



1.     退役动力电池人机协同拆解的自主学习和迁移方法,上海市科学技术委员会自然科学基金项目,2021.7-2024.6 已结题,主持

2.     基于计算视觉的电子废弃物拆解筛选和定量评估方法,上海市科学技术委员会青年科技英才扬帆计划,2019.5-2022.4 已结题,主持

3.     电力产品可持续制造技术服务及系统平台研发,企业横向,2021.12-2023.12 已结题,主持

4.     绿色产品生态设计研究,企业横向,2022.12-2023.11已结题,主持

5.     设备智能运维AR系统研发,企业横向,2021.5-2022.12 已结题,主持

6.     “飞梭智纺”云上智造产业链协同服务平台,上海市经济和信息化委员会,2021.7-2023.6 已结题,本单位负责人

7.     跨域行为隐空间映射的智能检测装备功能与构型双向设计推理机制研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2025.1-2028.12 在研,参与



[1] Weibin Qu, Jie Li*, Rong Zhang, et al. Adaptive Planning of Human-Robot Collaboration Disassembly for End-of-Life Lithium-ion Batteries based on Digital Twin[J]. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2024, 35, 2021-2043.

[2] Jie Li , Liangliang Duan*, Weibin Qu, et al. Knowledge transfer-based AR assisted human-robot collaboration for power battery disassembly[J]. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design Analysis and Manufacturing,2024.

[3] Jie Li, Weibin Qu*, Hangbin Zheng, et al. Generation of human–robot collaboration disassembly sequences for end-of-life lithium–ion batteries based on knowledge graph[J]. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing, 2024.

[4] Jie Li , Yifan Cao*, Xuejun Hu, et al. Intelligent Identification of Fragmented Non-magnetic Materials for End-of-life Refrigerator Recycling [J]. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association,2023, 74(1):25-38.

[5] Jie Li, Bo Liu, Liangliang Duan, et al. An Augmented Reality-Assisted Disassembly Approach for End-of-Life Vehicle Power Batteries[J]. Machines, 2023,11,1041.

[6] Liangliang Duan, Jie Li*, Jinsong Bao, et al. A MR-assisted and Scene Perception System for Human-Robot Collaborative Disassembly of Power Batteries[C], 2023 IEEE 19th International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Auckland, New Zealand.

[7] Jie Li, Xunxun Zhang, Pei Feng*. Detection Method of End-of-Life Mobile Phone Components Based on Image Processing [J]. Sustainability, 2022,14(19): 12915.

[8] Jie Li*, Zhi Qiao, Simeone, Alessandro, et al. An Activity Theory-based Analysis Approach for End-of-life Management of Electric Vehicle Batteries[J]. Resources Conservation and Recycling, 2020, 162:105040.

[9] Jie Li*, Michael Barwood, Shahin Rahimifard. A Multi-criteria Assessment of Robotic Disassembly to Support Recycling and Recovery[J], Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 2019,140:158-165.



[1] 面向装配质量预测的高精密产品数字孪生可计算性方法.专利号:202110894093.7

[2] 一种手机拆解流水线. 专利号:202011345049.2

[3] GB/T《纺织装备互联互通与互操作 第3部分 化纤》(起草人排名本单位第1

[4] T/DZJN60-2021《梯次利用电池储能电站技术与安全规范》(起草人排名2/16



1.     智能制造综合实验

2.     工业互联网

3.     系统工程



地址:上海市松江区人民北路29994号学院楼3024 201620


AddressRoom 3024, No.4 College Building, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Songjiang, Shanghai, P.R.C, 201620
