简介: 2007年1月毕业于清华大学精密仪器与机械系,获工学博士学位,随后赴美国亚利桑那大学、美国中弗罗里达大学从事博士后研究。入选2011年度“教育部新世纪优秀人才”资助计划,2017年度东华大学“励志计划”A 类资助计划。 研究方向: 柔性机器人和传感;微纳机器人和微纳机电系统;摩擦学。 学术兼职: 东华大学青年科协副主席、东华大学校学位委员会委员、机械工程学会摩擦学分会理事、中国微米纳米技术学会微纳制造分会理事,中国微米纳米学会微传感和执行器分会理事。国际期刊《Nano letter》、《Nanoscale》、《Acs Nano》、《Carbon》、《Nanotechnology》、《Tribology Letter》、《Wear》、《Journal of Nanotechnology and nanoengineering》等国际学术刊物审稿。 科研成果: 科研项目: 主持完成了国家自然基金青年基金、国家自然基金面上、国家自然基金(联合基金)、总装支撑专项、教育部新世纪优秀人才资助、教育部博士点基金、留学回国人员基金和清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室开放基金等项目。在研国家自然基金面上项目(2021-2024)、东华大学励志计划A类资助计划、航天五院CAST重点项目(10万)、恒天和台积电等企业合作课题多项。诚邀海内外优秀学者加盟团队,欢迎优秀本科生和硕士生报考博士。 以第一作者和通讯作者发表高水平SCI收录论文50篇,近期发表论文如下: [1] Huan Hu*, Bin Shi, Christopher M. Breslin, Lynne Gigna, Yitian Peng*. A Nano-Spherical Atomic Force Microscope Tip for Surface Measurement. Langmuir (doi: DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c06868)(IF.4.5工程技术2区) . [2] Haojie Lang,Yitian Peng*, Kun Zou, etc. Atomic scale friction characteristics of graphene under conductive AFM with applied voltages. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020(doi: DOI: 10.1021/acsami.0c06868)(IF.8.5工程技术1区). [3] Yitian Peng*,Xingzhong Zeng,Kang Yu,Haojie Lang, Deformation induced atomic-scale frictional characteristics of atomically thin two-dimensional materials, Carbon 2020(163): 186-196.(IF7.5工程技术1区) [4] Haojie Lang,Yitian Peng*, Kun Zou, etc. Dual control on nanofriction of graphene. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2019, 7 :6041 - 6051.(IF6.5工程技术1区) [5] Bo Chen, Shenghu Liang, Song Lu, Kun Zou, Yitian Peng*, Haojie Lang and Wangmin Yi. Tribological properties of multi-walled carbon nanotube-Cr and graphene oxide-Cr composite coating. J. Tribol , (2019)141(5)1-17 . [6]Xing’an Cao, Xuehui Gan, Yitian Peng*, etc. Anisotropic nanofriction on MoS2 with different thicknesses, Tribology International 2019(134):308-316. (影响因子3.4,工程技术1区) [7] Xiuhua Zhao, Wei Xu, Yitian Peng*, etc. A flexible and highly pressure-sensitive PDMS sponge based on silver nanoparticles decorated reduced graphene oxide composite. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical. 291, 1 2019:23-31. (影响因子3.3,工程技术3区) [8] Zeng Xingzhong, Yitian Peng*, Haojie Lang, Dependence of the Friction Strengthening of Graphene on Velocity, Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 1855 - 1864(影响因子7.7,工程一区论文) [9]Haojie Lang,Yitian Peng*,Xingzhong Zeng, etc. Effect of relative humidity on the friction al properties of graphene at atomic-scale steps Carbon 2018,Carbon 137 (2018) 519-526(影响因子6.5,工程技术1区) [10]Zeng Xingzhong, Yitian Peng*, Haojie Lang,Probing the difference in friction performance between graphene and MoS2 by manipulating the silver nanowires,Journal of material science, 2018, 2018, 42, 4887 - 4892(影响因子3.3,工程技术2区) [11]Zeng Xingzhong, Yitian Peng*, etc. Tuning the Nanotribological Behaviors of Single Silver Nanowire through Various Manipulations, Applied Surface Science, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 2018, 440: 830-840 (影响因子3.3,工程技术2区) [12]Zeng Xingzhong, Yitian Peng*, Haojie Lang Zeng, Cao, Xingan, Nanotribological Behavior of the Single Silver Nanowire on Graphite Nanotechnology, 2018, 29(8): 23-30(影响因子3.7,二区论文) [13]Zeng Xingzhong, Yitian Peng*, Haojie Lang Zeng, Cao, Xingan, Dynamic Sliding Enhancement on the Friction and Adhesion of Graphene, Graphene Oxide, and Fluorinated Graphene, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ,2018, 10(9):8214-8224(影响因子8.3,工程技术1区) [14]Xing’an Cao, Xuehui Gan, Yitian Peng*, etc. Achievement of ultra-low frictional interface combining the FDTS SAMs with molybdenum disulfide, Nanoscale, 2018, 1 : 378-385.(影响因子7.7,工程一区论文) [15]Liu, Lei; Huang, Zhengbin; Peng, Yitian, Enhanced lubrication and photocatalytic degradation of liquid paraffin by coral-like MoS2, NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY 2017 15(41): 7674-7680. (影响因子3.3,工程三区论文) [16]Yitian Peng*, Zeng Xingzhong, etc. Nanotribological characterization of graphene on soft elastic substrate, Carbon 124 (2017) 541-546.影响因子6.1,一区论文) [17]Yitian Peng*, Lulu Zheng, Kun Zou and Cong Li. Enhancing performances of resistivity-type hydrogen sensor based on Pd/SnO2/RGO nanocomposites, Nanotechnology, 2017(28):215501:1-8. (影响因子3.54,工程技术2区) [18]Haojie Lang, Yitian Peng*, etc. Effect of interlayer bonding strength and bending stiffness on 2-dimensional materials' frictional properties at atomic-scale steps Applied Surface Science, 411 (2017):261-270(影响因子3.3,工程技术2区) [19]Zeng Xingzhong, Yitian Peng*, etc. A Novel Approach to Decrease Friction of Graphene, Carbon,2017(118):233-240.(影响因子6.6,一区论文) [20]Zeng Xingzhong, Yitian Peng*, Haojie Lang, Controllable nanotribological properties of graphene nanosheets, Scientific reports, 2017,2017, 7:41891.1-7.(影响因子5.4,Nature子刊,综合2区) [21]Yitian Peng*, Jianxin Ye, Lulu Zheng and Kun Zou. The hydrogen sensing properties of Pd-Pt/reduced graphene oxide-based sensor under different operating conditions, RSC Advance, 2016 6(28):24880-24888. (影响因子3.7,工程技术2区) [22]Yitian Peng*, Zhuoqiong Wang and Kun Zou. Study of friction and wear properties of four different types of graphene nanosheets using the calibrated atomic force microscopy, Langmuir, 2015 31(28):7782-91. (影响因子4.1,工程技术2区) 获奖情况:2012年,奖项;教育部自然科学一等奖(排名第七)。 主讲课程: 1、机械设计基础 2、微纳机电系统(Micro/Nano electrochemical system)双语,及全英文课程。 联系方式:
地址:上海市松江区人民北路2999号4号学院楼4031室 201620 邮箱:[email protected] 办公电话:021-67792469 Add:room 5703No.4 College Building, 2999 North Renmin Rd, Songjiang, Shanghai, P.R.C, 201620 E-mail:[email protected] Tel:021-67792469 |